Update of group photos
2024/5: serve in IEEE INFOCOM’2025 TPC
2024/3: serve in ACM MobiHoc’2024 TPC
2023/12: Invited talk at CUHK-SZ [slides]
2023/11: Awarded SKI grant on privacy-protected AI
2023/10: Awarded SMU-SUTD grant on crowdsourcing mechanisms for decarbonising urban transportation
2023/9: Talk at Pharma Logistics MasterClass
2023/8: Organized WiOPT 2023 in Singapore
2023/2: Talk at George Washington University [Slides here]
2023/2: Talk at AAAI 2023 [Slides here]
2023/1: WiOpt 2023 conference calls for papers [CFP]
2023/1: join IEEE TMC as an Associate Editor
2022/11: invited talk at IEEE WF-IoT conference [slides]
2022/3: MOE Tier 2 project on V2X information learning and sharing starts
2022/1: T-lab project to secure federated learning starts
2021/12: in Top 2% Scientists released by Stanford University
Lingjie Duan is an Associate Professor (tenured) in the Engineering Systems and Design Pillar at Singapore University of Technology and Design. He received Ph.D. degree in Information Engineering from The Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2012. During 2011, he was a visiting scholar in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences at University of California at Berkeley.
Lingjie Duan has been actively working and contributing to the interdisciplinary research field combining telecommunications and microeconomics. He has used optimization theory and game theory extensively as both modeling languages and solution tools to study the cooperative or competitive interplay among various parties in communications and networking. He received the 2016 SUTD Excellence in Research Award. He received the 10th IEEE ComSoc Asia-Pacific Outstanding Young Researcher Award in 2015. He also received the Hong Kong Young Scientist Award 2014 (Finalist under Engineering Science track). He has a number of highly-cited top publications including 6 ESI Highly Cited Papers and his works on network economics attract ever-increasing attention from academia and industry. He is ranked in the Top 2% Scientists by Stanford University in 2021. He is on the Editorial Board of IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications (TWC), IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials (COMST), and IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology (SWAT Team). He also serves as a General Chair of WiOpt 2023 Conference. He also serves as a Program Co-Chair of IEEE INFOCOM’2014 GCCCN Workshop, a Co-Chair of IEEE ICCS’2014 special session on Economic Theory and Communication Networks, and a Co-Chair of Wireless Communications Systems (WCS) Syposium of IEEE ICCC 2015. He also serves as the guest editor of IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking, IEEE Wireless Communications and Mobile Information Systems, and he is a technical program committee (TPC) member of many leading conferences in communications and networking (e.g., ACM MobiHoc, IEEE INFOCOM, WiOPT, SECON, ICC, GLOBECOM and NetEcon). He served as a General Chair of WiOpt 2023.