| Lee, Cheng Pau, Rahul Karyappa, and Michinao Hashimoto. "3D printing of milk-based product." RSC Advances 10, no. 50 (2020): 29821-29828. | 2020 |
 | Ng, James S., and Michinao Hashimoto. "Fabrication of paper microfluidic devices using a toner laser printer." RSC Advances 10, no. 50 (2020): 29797-29807. | 2020 |
 | Shimizu, Azusa, Wei Huang Goh, Shun Itai, Michinao Hashimoto, Shigenori Miura, and Hiroaki Onoe. "ECM-based microchannel for culturing in vitro vascular tissues with simultaneous perfusion and stretch." Lab on a Chip (2020). | 2020 |
 | Karyappa, Rahul, Terry Ching, and Michinao Hashimoto. "Embedded Ink Writing (EIW) of Polysiloxane Inks." ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces (2020). | 2020 |
 | Yamagishi, K., Nojiri, A., Iwase, E. and Hashimoto, M., 2019. Syringe-Injectable, Self-Expandable, and Ultraconformable Magnetic Ultrathin Films. ACS applied materials & interfaces, 11(44), pp.41770-41779. | 2019 |
 | Karyappa, R. and Hashimoto, M., 2019. chocolate-based ink three-dimensional Printing (Ci3DP). Scientific reports, 9(1), pp.1-11. | 2019 |
 | Ching, T., Toh, Y.C. and Hashimoto, M., 2019. Fabrication of Complex 3D Fluidic Networks via Modularized Stereolithography. Advanced Engineering Materials, p.1901109. | 2019 |
| Motovilova, E., Sandeep, S., Hashimoto, M. and Huang, S.Y., 2019. Water-Tunable Highly Sub-Wavelength Spiral Resonator for Magnetic Field Enhancement of MRI Coils at 1.5 T. IEEE Access, 7, pp.90304-90315. | 2019 |
| Shimizu, A., Goh, W.H., Hashimoto, M., Miura, S. and Onoe, H., 2019, June. ECM-based Stretchable Microfluidic System for in vitro 3D Tissue Culture. In 2019 20th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems & Eurosensors XXXIII (TRANSDUCERS & EUROSENSORS XXXIII) (pp. 752-755). IEEE. | 2019 |
 | Mora, M.F., Garcia, C.D., Schaumburg, F., Kler, P.A., Berli, C.L., Hashimoto, M. and Carrilho, E., 2019. Patterning and Modeling Three-Dimensional Microfluidic Devices Fabricated on a Single Sheet of Paper. Analytical chemistry, 91(13), pp.8298-8303. | 2019 |
 | Ching, T., Li, Y., Karyappa, R., Ohno, A., Toh, Y.C. and Hashimoto, M., 2019. Fabrication of integrated microfluidic devices by direct ink writing (DIW) 3D printing. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 297, p.126609. | 2019 |
 | Nojiri, A., Iwase, E. and Hashimoto, M., 2019, January. Self-Assembly of Shape Memory Polymer Printed by Fused Deposition Modeling. In 2019 IEEE 32nd International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS) (pp. 380-383). IEEE. | 2019 |
 | Karyappa, R., Ohno, A. and Hashimoto, M., 2019. Immersion precipitation 3D printing (ip 3DP). Materials Horizons, 6(9), pp.1834-1844. | 2019 |
 | Ong, L.J.Y., Ching, T., Chong, L.H., Arora, S., Li, H., Hashimoto, M., DasGupta, R., Yuen, P.K. and Toh, Y.C., 2019. Self-aligning Tetris-Like (TILE) modular microfluidic platform for mimicking multi-organ interactions. Lab on a Chip, 19(13), pp.2178-2191. | 2019 |
 | Parthiban, P., Doyle, P.S. and Hashimoto, M., 2019. Self-assembly of droplets in three-dimensional microchannels. Soft matter, 15(21), pp.4244-4254. | 2019 |
[slickr-flickr search="single" photo_id="47046730351" type="thumbnail"] | Vijayan, S. and Hashimoto, M., 2019. 3D printed fittings and fluidic modules for customizable droplet generators. RSC advances, 9(5), pp.2822-2828. | 2019 |
[slickr-flickr search="single" photo_id="40081890923" type="thumbnail"] | Hizawa, T., Takano, A., Parthiban, P., Doyle, P.S., Iwase, E. and Hashimoto, M., 2018. Rapid prototyping of fluoropolymer microchannels by xurography for improved solvent resistance. Biomicrofluidics, 12(6), p.064105. | 2018 |
[slickr-flickr search="single" photo_id="40081890763" type="thumbnail"] | Goh, W.H. and Hashimoto, M., 2018. Dual sacrificial molding: Fabricating 3D microchannels with overhang and helical features. Micromachines, 9(10), p.523. | 2018 |
| B Zhang, S Li, H Hingorani, A Serjouei, L Larush, AA Pawar, WH Goh, AH Sakhaei, M Hashimoto, K Kowsari, S Magdassi and Q Ge, 2018.Highly stretchable hydrogels for UV curing based high-resolution multimaterial 3D printing. Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 6(20), pp.3246-3253. | 2018 |
[slickr-flickr search="single" photo_id="38597524584" type="thumbnail"] | Goh, W.H. and Hashimoto, M., 2018. Fabrication of 3D microfluidic channels and in‐channel features using 3D printed, water‐soluble sacrificial mold. Macromolecular Materials and Engineering, 303(3), p.1700484. | 2018 |
[slickr-flickr search="single" photo_id="39184665582" type="thumbnail"] | Liu, N., Xu, J., An, H.J., Phan, D.T., Hashimoto, M. and Lew, W.S., 2017. Direct spraying method for fabrication of paper-based microfluidic devices. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 27(10), p.104001. | 2017 |
[slickr-flickr search="single" photo_id="38504790974" type="thumbnail"] | Chi, W., Yin, W., Qi, Q., Qiao, Q., Lin, Y., Zhu, Z., Vijayan, S., Hashimoto, M., Udayakumar, G., Xu, Z. and Liu, X., 2017. Ground-state conformers enable bright single-fluorophore ratiometric thermometers with positive temperature coefficients. Materials Chemistry Frontiers, 1(11), pp.2383-2390. | 2017 |
| Kelmansky, R., McAlvin, B.J., Nyska, A., Dohlman, J.C., Chiang, H.H., Hashimoto, M., Kohane, D.S. and Mizrahi, B., 2017. Strong tissue glue with tunable elasticity. Acta biomaterialia, 53, pp.93-99. | 2017 |
[slickr-flickr search="single" photo_id="39305181981" type="thumbnail"] | Chang, T.Y., Sung, C.Y., Hashimoto, M. and Cheng, C.M., 2016. Fabricating small-scale, curved, polymeric structures for biological applications using a combination of photocurable/thermocurable polydimethylsiloxane and phase interactions. Applied Physics A, 122(9), p.813. | 2016 |
| H Kathuria, JS Kochhar, MH Fong, M Hashimoto, C Iliescu, H Yu, and L Kang | 2015 |
| IP Monteiro, D Gabriel, BP Timko, M Hashimoto, S Karajanagi, R Tong, AP Marques, RL Reis, and DS Kohane | 2014 |
[slickr-flickr search="single" photo_id="46995077092" type="thumbnail" size="small"] | JJ Lee, KJ Jeong, M Hashimoto, AH Kwon, A Rwei, SA Shankarappa, JH Tsui, and DS Kohane | 2014 |
| M Hashimoto, R Langer, and DS Kohane | 2013 |
| M Hashimoto, R Tong, and DS Kohane | 2013 |
| W Choi, M Hashimoto, AK Ellerbee, X Chen, KJ Bishop, P Garstecki, HA Stone, and GM Whitesides | 2011 |
[slickr-flickr search="single" photo_id="25345956838" type="thumbnail" size="small"] | M Hashimoto and GM Whitesides | 2010 |
| F Miyake, M Hashimoto, S Tonsiengsom, K Yakushijin, and DA Horne | 2010 |
| AC Siegel, SK Tang, CA Nijhuis, M Hashimoto, ST Phillips, MD Dickey, and GM Whitesides | 2010 |
[slickr-flickr search="single" photo_id="46995076922" type="thumbnail" size="small"] | M Kubo, X Li, C Kim, M Hashimoto, BJ Wiley, D Ham, and GM Whitesides | 2010 |
| M Hashimoto, J Feng, RL York, AK Ellerbee, G Morrison, SW Thomas, L Mahadevan, and GM Whitesides | 2009 |
| CA Stan, GF Schneider, SS Shevkoplyas, M Hashimoto, M Ibanescu, BJ Wiley, and GM Whitesides | 2009 |
[slickr-flickr search="single" photo_id="46995077162" type="thumbnail" size="small"] | Q Xu, M Hashimoto, TT Dang, T Hoare, DS Kohane, GM Whitesides, R Langer, and DG Anderson | 2009 |
| M Hashimoto, SS Shevkoplyas, B Zasonska, T Szymborski, P Garstecki, and GM Whitesides | 2008 |
[slickr-flickr search="single" photo_id="40082096013" type="thumbnail" size="small"] | M Hashimoto, P Garstecki, HA Stone, and GM Whitesides | 2008 |
[slickr-flickr search="single" photo_id="46995077122" type="thumbnail" size="small"] | M Hashimoto, P Garstecki, and GM Whitesides | 2007 |
[slickr-flickr search="single" photo_id="46995076982" type="thumbnail" size="small"] | M Hashimoto, B Mayers, P Garstecki, and GM Whitesides | 2006 |