Book on 3D food printing published

Our book on 3D food printing is published. This book discusses different aspects of 3D food printing: instruments, materials, and applications. Congrats and many thanks to everyone in the author team. Shout-out to Justin who did amazing job from our lab!

Biomimetic Vasculature Highlighted as Cover Image

Terry‘s recent paper in collaboration with Yi-Chin’s group is featured as the cover image of Small. Once again, congratulations and many thanks to everyone in the collaborative team!

We made 3D and branched vascular structures using 3D-printed porous molds. Please check out the paper here:

Biomimetic Vasculatures by 3D-Printed Porous Molds
T Ching, J Vasudevan, SY Chang, HY Tan, AS Ranganath, CT Lim, JG. Fernandez, JJ Ng, YC Toh, M Hashimoto
Small, 2022, 18, 39, 2203426


Paper on embedded core-shell printing published

Rahul and Jason’s work on embedded core-shell printing has been published. Embedded 3D printing (e3DP) has been widely demonstrated to fabricate free-form structures of flexible resins (such as polysiloxane). In this work, we investigated the feasibility of e3DP consisting of three fluids (core phase, shell phase and embedding media), which we termed embedded core-shell 3D printing (eCS3DP). Our study suggested that free-form fabrication of core-shell liquid is possible, and the removal of the core phase allows facile fabrication of 3D perfusable constructs made of polysiloxane (Ecoflex 10). We also observed that, depending on the selection of fluids, the core phase is uniformly dispersed in the shell phase to form droplets. This work demonstrated a simple route to fabricate 3D perfusable constructs that can be potentially applicable for soft sensors and actuators. Congratulations Rahul and Jason!

Embedded Core–Shell 3D Printing (eCS3DP) with Low-Viscosity Polysiloxanes
R Karyappa, WH Goh, and M Hashimoto
ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2022

Paper on biomimetic vasculature published

Terry’s paper on biomimetic vasculature is now published online. Biofabrication of vascular surrogates is important in studying cardiovascular disease, but existing fabrication methods are yet limited in achievable vasculature structures. In this work, we demonstrated a unique method of biofabrication by the combination of molding and coaxial printing to realize freestanding cell-laden vasculatures with complex 3D geometries. Many thanks and congratulations to everyone in the team. This work is another great collaboration with Professor Yi-Chin Toh.

Biomimetic Vasculatures by 3D-Printed Porous Molds
T Ching, J Vasudevan, SY Chang, HY Tan, AS Ranganath, CT Lim, JG. Fernandez, JJ Ng, YC Toh, M Hashimoto
Small, 2022, 2203426

MRS Spring 2022 @ Honolulu

Earlier in May, our team attended MRS Spring 2022 in Honolulu and had a wonderful time. The highlights are:

  • Terry received MRS Graduate Student Silver Award
  • Kento’s work was selected as the Best Poster Award nominee
  • Joseph delivered his first-ever international oral presentation
  • Haji, a former visiting student, presented our collaborative work
  • Beaches and sunshine!

Congrats everyone! Thank you for the conference organizers and see you at the next meeting 🙂

Paper on Okara 3D Printing Published

Cheng Pau’s paper on 3D printing of okara was published. We demonstrated that okara, a soybean byproduct, can be 3D-printed without any additives. This is one unique way to upcycle food waste, potentially contributing to food sustainability. Many thanks to the co-authors, Prof. Takahashi (Tokyo Tech, Japan), Prof. Arai (Kanazawa U, Japan), and Prof. Lee (NTU, Singapore).

This work was also highlighted as a cover image of ACS Food Science and Technology. Congratulations to Cheng Pau and the team!

3D Printing of Okara Ink: The Effect of Particle Size on the Printability
CP Lee, M Takahashi, S Arai, CLK Lee, and M Hashimoto
ACS Food Sci. Technol. 2021, 1, 11, 2053–2061

MicroTAS 2021 @ Palm Springs

Terry, Xiaolei, and Michinao (on behalf of the lab, highlighting Kento and Rahul’s works) presented in MicroTAS 2021. We had a great online experience.

Terry’s oral presentation was selected as one of the three runner-ups of the best talk award. This is an exceptional achievement. Congratulations Terry and the team, and many thanks to Yi-Chin!

Book Chapter on Design and Fabrication of Microfluidic Devices Published

A book chapter on design and fabrication of microfluidic devices is published. We discussed recent progress of fabrication of microfluidic devices with design thinking approach. Congratulations Terry leading another fantastic work, and thanks Yi-Chin for co-supervising!

Design and fabrication of micro/nanofluidics devices and systems
Prog. Mol. Biol. Transl. Sci., 2021, In Press
T Ching, Y-C Toh, and M Hashimoto*

Opinion on Translation of Organ-on-a-chip Platforms Published

An opinion article on the organ-on-a-chip platforms was published in Trends in Pharmacological Sciences (TIPS). This article discussed the recent advance in organ-on-a-chip platforms and their academia-to-industry translation. Terry led the efforts co-supervised by Yi-Chin and Shrike. Congratulations and thank you for the opportunity for this collaboration.

Bridging the academia-to-industry gap: organ-on-a-chip platforms for safety and toxicology assessment
Trends Pharmacol. Sci. 2021, In Press
T Ching, Y-C Toh*, M Hashimoto*, YS Zhang*