
In-Memory Computing

Engineering the process of melting to perform logic operations

Non-Volatile Memory

We control the crystallization of materials by prestructural ordering effects

Artificial Neural Network

Explore new methods to enhance crystallization by controlling temporary glass states


Researchers Discover Stem Cells using Two-Dimensional Materials

Loke Bio-nanotechnology and Electronics-for-Large-application Lab is driven by a common purpose: to advance knowledge and nurture leaders and innovators in bio-nanotechnology, electronics for large applications, and other fields of impact to serve society and the world in the twenty-first century.


MIT Technology Review Innovators Under 35: Throw Away Your RAM and Flash Drive. Here’s a Better Type of Memory

MRS IMATSCI Innovators: A Design for a Better Type of Memory. Potentially Eliminating the Need for RAM and Flash Drive

Yahoo: Now, Get Faster, Smaller, Greener Computers with Phase-Change Materials

Ars Technica: Write Speeds For Phase-Change Memory Reach Record Limits

A sharing with Radio Station CNA938: On the World’s Fastest & Smallest Memory Device Created in SUTD using Phase-Change Memory

Science: Phase-Change Memory – Memory With a Precondition

Science Daily: Novel Method Produces Highest-Ever Signals for Human Embryonic Stem Cell Detection


SUTD PhD Program at LBELL

By the Excellent Student Advisor, Prof. Loke

The 2022 Fall Program is Now Open for Application

Learn More About the Program

The lab is grateful to the following agencies for funding our projects: